
Monday, July 9, 2012

A New Adventure...

I can't believe this time next week we will be on a boat in the middle of the ocean. I am beyond ecstatic!!! Don't worry, we'll bring back pictures... & Rum ;)

We are the type of people that want to do so many things & don't know how to do it all or don't know what to do. The resume seems to keep growing. Writer. Musician. Computer Tech. Photographer. Jeweler. Baker... For the past 4 years I've been able to do one of the things I love, Photography. As everything does, it has its ups & downs, but it brought me joy. I love the fact that I am able to capture important & life changing moments for people, my friends, & my own family. To have that moment captured forever is one of the greatest things we have. Think about, when was the last time you walked into a home that didn't have a single photo in their home? Never. We love our families, friends, experiences, places too much to not remind ourselves of them on a daily basis. They help shape us into the person that we are today. 

Recently, Bella (my daughter) & I took a much needed vacation to the beach (as if there is any better vacation than the beach), but sadly Chris was not able to come with us. It was... different. Since we have been married we have never vacationed alone or even been apart that length of time (a week), so even though I got the breather I most definitely needed it felt a little lacking. We have a tradition that we always do when we're at the beach, we always take nighttime walks down to the pier & have artsy conversations on life & whatever we think of (I absolutely love those times), but this time I was left to talk to God & myself. I don't know if you ever talk to yourself but you should. You really find out new things about yourself & talk through things you're dealing with within yourself. Which was definitely what I needed...
For quite a few years I have had a certain "dream" that I always shoved to the back of the closet like a "special occasion" dress because I had myself believing that I couldn't do it because it would be too hard & all I would do is fail. Doesn't it suck that we are our own worst enemies... Well, as I walked along the wet sandy beach conversing with God & myself, I decided that it's time to take that first step. No, it wasn't the salty air just blowing the sound of crashing waves between my ears, I was "fo' real." Finally coming to that decision, it felt liberating & exhilarating, because I am finally "doing it."

Starting August I will be starting the journey that will eventually put me in the field of Marine Biology. I am so excited! 
I am so blessed to have a husband that is supporting & helping me through this big life decision.  

If you take anything from this post, please take this, "If you have a dream, don't push it to the side. Embrace it. Love it. Do it." 

...and my favorite...

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