
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


What is it about a new home that makes us so excited?
Moving. Packing. Going back & forth. Heavy boxes. Breaking Boxes. Stairs. Flat tires on Hand trucks. It just doesn't sound fun... But I love it. I love having a new space, a blank canvas to make it our own. New ways to configure furniture & bedrooms. The possibilities are endless...

Last week we only had 4 days to move just right across the street, yikes! You may be thinking to yourself, "that sounds easy," but we also had a wedding (which we all had a part in) & Bella & I had to get our bags packed for the beach. Let me just say, packing for a trip when you have everything in boxes is kind of frustrating ;) 
I can just hear you now, "you're at the beach while he's working..." Just to let you know, I'm not a bad wife. Chris & I have a cruise coming up next month so that's the big vacation. Am I on good wife status again?...

As I sit here with my cup of coffee, writing this post, watching Hollywood Treasure, I am surrounded by stuff & projects that need to be done. I've already got my workout in for today so no excuses. 
Let's do this...

Everyone needs a breather, even children. One step on the beach & Bella is home. It's not how we look alike that I know she's my child, it's her love for the beach that I know she's mine. To see her embrace the breeze, dig her fingers into the sand, & frolic in the waves it warms my heart. There is nothing better than to see your child in utter joy, especially when it's a joy you both share...




"As for me & my house, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15