
The Motes

Once upon a time a boy met this girl + he played her a song. Neither of them knew of the seed that was planted that day, but it would soon grow into something infinite... 

I am from a place where the tea is sweet, the biscuits are covered in chocolate, + the porches are warm + ripe for the gathering. I am a Georgia girl with a Tennessee heart who was lucky to marry their high school sweetheart. I am a student with many wants + dreams. I struggle daily on which monster to feed + sometimes I don't get it right, but I know I will eventually get there. 

Our house may be small but is most definitely full. We have been blessed with a daughter of unimaginable talent + brillance. She is a pleasure + a pain but to watch her grow is absolutely amazing. We have also welcomed into our home trois fur babies + six fish, Sherlock, Penelope, + Petunia (the fish have names but you'll have to ask Bella. I have no idea what they are). 

Life is everything but just. There are bumps + cracks. When you want something sweet you get something sour or you can be rewarded with something sweet when you're expecting something sour. No one said it is easy + it's not but when in doubt 

Cry. Laugh. Read. Drink a cup of tea
...whatever settles your heart. 

I'm Ashley M + this is my darling family.
Beleelemon is exactly who we are. 

               ...& it all started with a song...

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