
Thursday, May 8, 2014

College be like...

Knowledge does not have a stopping point. Never.

I may whine + complain to myself + to others that could really care less during the semester, but I am damn proud to still be in school. Yes, the writing of papers is time consuming, the math problems are indiscernibly difficult, + the amount of work would probably break labor laws, but what is the cost really (besides the thousands of dollars in student loans that you will probably die with)? Knowledge?

When I graduate I will know [how to do] things that I never thought were possible! I will be able to converse, to other human beings, in French. How amazing is that?! The ability to do intense math equations to solve a problem at my [hopefully] future job will just be a pencil jot + a calculator input away. When the time comes + I need to put all my research findings, ideas, + concerns into a thesis/journal/paper about [something] that I have studied + have deep interest about, I will know how to approach it, because I was taught what to do. After I graduate, while I am working at my dream job of choice, when I get hungry I will know how to adapt + spring for the cheapest option there is. Because as a college student you know what it means to scrimp by, and with my dream job of choice, it's not a path for money [trust me]. But I know I will be doing what I love ...and that's what matters.

School is tough.
It. Is. Tough.
There is no easy route. There is no such thing as an "easy way out," that is unless you purposely fail or stupidly go through the entire 4-8 years spending thousands of dollars to just be a D average student. Sure, that would be easy, but I can't imagine that being very rewarding. Though you might be feeling the same way after you graduate, don't have a job, + you're getting the statement for student loans. What I'm getting at is, Do Not Give Up. Please. Trust me, there are more than plenty of times that I have wanted to throw in the towel + just say, "Screw it. I'll just be a stay at home mom."

Pause: There is NOTHING wrong with being a stay at home mom. I did it for 5 years + it was killing me. What may work for you just does not work for me. So, if you are a happy stay at home mom, go on with your bad self...

Let's just say, if I didn't have the man that I have today I would have given up. He pushes me even when I do not want to be pushed, + it is greatly appreciated. He is not just here for me now but always has been. AND. AND. Let me say this. If you want stimulating conversations between you + your spouse do NOT drop out. Keep going. Ever since I have started back to school [I just finished my fourth semester back] Chris + I have had some of the most thought provoking + engaging conversations. It's fantastic!

If you struggle with motivation, keep a list of goals that you want to accomplish through your college journey + what you would like to accomplish after you graduate. What is your dream job? What are you going to do or need to do to obtain that job? 

Keep a journal. I understand that some may think that keeping a journal is something only a teenager would do, but it really does help. When you feel the urge to quit, read through your own words. I'm sure you've felt the same way + you'll see that you got through that impulse + you will make it through the present one as well. 

Make a schedule. If you find that you push off your homework + studying until the last minute create a realistic schedule for your daily routine. Now, we all know you're not going to sit + study for 3 hours of Math, so please, be realistic. Because if you keep it in sensible guidelines you're more than likely to keep to it. 

Search for blogs that pertain to the field that you wish to are working towards. It will keep you informed + encouraged as you work towards that goal. 

Do not get discouraged. If you fail a class do not worry, there is always next semester. It is understandable to be very frustrated + want to possibly cry, but take it to the gym. Punch the sh-t out of a punching bag or run the hell out of that treadmill/trail. You'll feel better + you get a workout in as well. Do not let your grades define who you are. 

School can suck. It can drain you of all that you think you know about yourself, but you learn more about who you are. 

So, at the end of this Spring semester crack open the wine + book the vacation now. You've earned it. 

*Please disregard any grammatical errors. Like I said, I'm learning ;)


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