
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"You is kind. You is smart. You is important..." - Aibileen Clark

I have had "The Help" on my Kindle for over a year now and one day I do plan on reading it, but until then I'll just quote it like I know it...

Six years ago, we sat in a small, stuffy, dimly lit hospital room as the huge realization sunk into our exhausted lives that not only were we young and married, but that we were, wait for it ...parents. 
I know, scary right?! Well, not really...
Never in my life would I have ever thought the first look at a tiny new human would take such hold of my life. 

Growing up, I may have thought that my kids will be awesome because, well, who doesn't want awesome kids, but I could never imagine... 
...who we have been blessed with for a child is more than we ever prayed, wished, and hoped for. She is the apple of our eyes and the brightest little girl I have ever come across. She is always there for a laugh, a kiss, and a hug. I never have to worry about getting love from my Bell-bee... 

So, as we eat our pancakes and bacon and cake and ice cream birthday dinner ...this day is for you Bella! Know that your daddy and I will always and always have love you. You are awesome! 

Monday, February 4, 2013


When Chris and I were dating we definitely had one thing in common, we liked to watch movies. It seemed like every time we were together we were watching a movie. Date night most times consisted of drive thru dinner and catching the 7:00 show. One of the best experiences we had was when we saw two movies two days in a row for our one year anniversary. The first one was Star Trek Nemesis (which was just awful by the way) and Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. The thing that was so great about it was when we saw Harry Potter we were the only ones in the theater. It was great to be able to talk to one another during the movie, about the movie, without worrying about disturbing anyone. It's the little things...

Well, as time progressed I began to not necessarily develop a distaste for movies, but I just didn't have the desire to watch them anymore. I felt bad for Chris because he is a major movie buff and he's married to someone who could care less. So, me being the loving wife that I am came up with this great idea at the beginning of 2011. Every Friday one of us would pick a movie that we wanted to watch (alternating weeks) and replace one every month with a trip to the theater. It was great! We were back to our old movie watching days. After about 6 months we moved into our then new apartment and sadly never picked the movies back up...

The end of 2012 marked a new beginning. We survived the Mayan apocalypse so you know we are bound for greatness in the upcoming year (hahaha...). I always make a goal list at the beginning of every new year, and one of my goals is to spend more time with my husband and do more of what he enjoys. Which means, movies. Once again we have started our movie watching routine, so I thought I would share what we watch each month. I mean, who doesn't like to know about a good movie...

*The Way- 3.5/5
As a parent, this movie tends to tug on your heartstrings. Martin Sheen plays a father who goes overseas to pick up his deceased son, who is played by Emilio Estevez (his real-life son). His son died while traveling the "El camino de Santiago" and his father decides to walk it for him. This movie seems to display every emotion at some point in time in its duration and has you rooting for each character all throughout. It is inspiring and makes you want to get up and accomplish something. I guess that's the reason Chris wants to walk the "El camino de Santiago" now ;)

*Adventures of Tintin- 4/5
If you watched Tintin as a child you pretty much know what this movie entails. Sadly, this movie has sat on our shelf for almost a year and we just got around to watching it. Oops... Funny enough, after the movie Chris said, "I can't believe we waited this long to watch such a good movie." Tintin is accompanied by his dog Snowy on a treasure hunt that develops after he buys a model ship. It's an animation adventure, but with Spielberg, Daniel Craig, and Simon Pegg you forget it's animated and realize it's just awesome. Also, it's written by Steven Moffat; that alone is enough reason to watch. Chris and I have concluded that it would make an awesome ride. Did you hear that Universal Studios...

*Downton Abbey- 4.5/5
We have been wanting to start this show for months and finally started, well, at least the first episode. Chris and I adore British tele. It's just so well written, intellectual, and brilliantly acted (I mean, come on, Sherlock, Doctor Who ...need I say more?!) With pretty much everyone watching this show, I don't think I need to say how well done this show is. I mean, a show with Maggie Smith makes the awesome factor automatically shoot up.

*The Woman in Black- 4/5
I do not care for scary/horror movies. The closest I get is John Carpenter's Halloween (which is a must for the Halloween season), but this movie doesn't go for horror but more for spooky/thriller. Ironically enough, I saw this movie with a couple of friends, without Chris, because we couldn't find a babysitter. Bummer... Daniel Radcliffe has such an advantage from doing Harry Potter. As the movie theater was littered with screaming pre-teens, his movie career will always have people following him around. Although this was a different role for him, he took it on well. I wouldn't say his role was spectacular but it was good. As before, it's British and the acting is brilliant. Daniel plays a widower father who is sent to take care of the final papers of a deceased client in his law firm, and while he is there he encounters the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman. Having a husband who doesn't like the "things in the night" makes this movie kind of fun to watch. I found myself laughing when he would hide his face in my shoulder when Daniel Radcliffe investigates the ghostly disruptions. This movie was even better the second time, and I myself would actually buy the movie. It keeps getting better the more times I watch it.

*no theater movie this month

So, do you have some good movies that you would like to share? Let me know! I'm always up for a suggestion or idea on my weeks. Also, if you have any good book suggestions, add me on GoodReads and let me know what you enjoy, or you can add Chris.

What are your goals for the new year? Have you started? Are you keeping up with them? I would love to hear about what you've done or plan to do...
