
Sunday, August 18, 2013

+Embrace the Day+

This week marks the 28th year of me gracing this earth. Yup, it's my birthday.
I have yet gotten to the age where I dread that day, I actually welcome it. Every year I still get a homemade birthday cake, of my choice, from my mom and dad and who doesn't love cake on their birthday?!

Getting older doesn't scare me, at least not yet, as I've been told. The thought and process of getting older is great! With age comes wisdom. I read something funny the other day... "We've all been told that "old" people are wise but you know, stupid people get old too." Being back in school has taught me and shown me how much we take knowledge and intellect for granted, and I refuse to take part in that "fad." I will teach myself something new up until the day that I die. 

The past few months I have come across a few items that I have mentally enlisted on my birthday wish list. Everyone makes a wish list for their birthday, realistic ones and unrealistic ones, and I figured that I would share with you a few items that are definitely on a wish list... 

Who wouldn't want to adopt their own shark?!?

Or their own whale...

Every woman needs a fantastic watch. 
This watch will not only make my wrist look great, but it delivers
100 meals to to children in need

An Ernest Hemingway first edition

A great handbag

And a nice pair of flats

I love birthdays. I love [cup]cake. And I love this birthday dog. 

Don't run away from your birthday. You've survived another year. It may have endured some hard times, but you've grown stronger through those times and I guarantee that the good outweigh the bad. Be thankful for each day that you have for we are not promised tomorrow. 
Love the life you live. Get out there and accomplish your dreams. Go there. Eat that. Drive. Fly. Walk. Experience. Love. Try. 

You never know what you love or like to do if you don't get out there and do it. I have wasted postponed so many years in fear that I couldn't do a career in Marine Biology, and I am currently entering into my third semester back ...without a single failed Math class. Trust me, if I can go through without failing a Math class, you can do anything. I mean it. The only thing holding you back is yourself. 
So, here is to all the birthdays. Try something new on your birthday or plan on completing something before. And don't worry about the cake ...I'll make sure to eat a piece for you. This year is chocolate ;)


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