
Monday, December 31, 2012

+Happy New Year+

Wow, can you believe that were just minutes away from 2013?! We did it! We survived the Mayan apocalypse. Haha ...but seriously.

Another year gone, another in the making. 2012 was a great year & the next year is going to unfold so many more possibilities. With the upcoming year being Chris' last year of school, the doors of possibility are endless. Who knows. With only the first semester under my belt, I have a while before I can say that I am in my last year; however, I have one semester down! Woo! Positives.

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you know that I am a frequent "Instagrammer." Pretty much everything I do I post in a picture. I believe that is the photographer & sentimentalist in me. So instead of itemizing a list of all the great things that happened this year, here's a look at 2012 in Instagram form.

Here's to all the new books, places, people, memories, foods, experiences, & so much more that we will endure in 2013. Cheers! 


Friday, December 21, 2012

+Merry Christmas+

It really is the most wonderful time of the year. Truly.
I love Christmas, a lot. The lights, the music, time with family & friends, presents, the food, the merriment, the smells, everything. We have now had 5 Christmas' with Bella & this year will be the sixth. Keeping Jesus in Christmas is the ultimate goal for our family & with Bella getting older it is becoming more & more imperative to keep Jesus as the focus.

When it comes to Christmas, I am a Christmas special junky. I can't get enough & I can't watch them too many times. My all time favorite is "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Bella loves it just as I do & it warms my heart that she can take joy in things I did as a kid. Charles Schulz is a man that I admire. He kept Christ in Christmas & fought to keep it. The tv company wanted to take the infamous Linus scene out, but he make it clear that it was to stay. Thank you Charles! That scene is part of my Christmas, it is not Christmas without it. It does not matter how many times I see it, the speech still gives me goosebumps & watery eyes to this day.

A couple of years ago I finally read "A Christmas Carol." I'm not real familiar with any other good Christmas novels. If you have a good one you would like to share, please let me know. I'm always up for a good book...

Christmas is not the same without a little Griswold...

A little Christmas advice...

Probably the cutest Christmas decoration I've ever seen

Enjoy the season! Love on the ones that mean something to you this season & do something nice for someone in need. From my family to yours, May your Christmas be merry. Joyful be your family. Blessed be each one. Peaceful be your home.


Monday, December 10, 2012

+Love the Mess+

What is it about Jesus & coffee that go so well together?
As I sit here with my "cup of gold," my Kindle and my lovely bible, Christmas carols playing on the tv, it's almost a perfect morning. The only thing it needs is a finished clean house : )

As my spirit was feeling the Jesus moment this morning, and feeling uplifted, I walked into the office for a pen and my test began. You can't see carpet. "Popcorn words," markers, crayons, coloring books, cut up papers, drawings ...everywhere! It is probably a good thing she is at school because I might have lost my cool with her, but I have to remember, I'm going to miss the mess.

We have never had a problem with Bella giving us hugs & kisses and telling us she loves us. She is very gifted in this category & we are very thankful for such a sweet personality, but it's not going to last forever. She is growing up & when it comes to slamming doors or rolling eyes, I'm going to miss that creative mess taking over the office floor.

I would never wish for her to stay young forever, that's selfish. I want her to learn, to know Jesus & love him, to experience new things together. She is such an artist now, will she be when she gets older? I want to know how she will perceive an art museum. Bella is beginning to ask questions & it's both exciting & scary. Her heart & soul is beginning to be in the balance of eternity. Of course I want her to accept Jesus...

This mornings reading was from Proverbs (28:12,13) & I believe walking into the office was my opportunity to let righteous triumph or let the wicked rise to power. At first reaction it may have seemed wicked, but I think I recovered : ). We have been attending Browns Bridge Church & we have been loving it. It's a total overwhelming feeling when your child is excited for church & is inquisitive about the next time we are going. Thank you to the volunteers that make my daughter feel welcome, loved, & have a great time. My heart has not felt this calm & full in a long time.

During the season, I find myself sitting & staring at the Christmas tree reflecting on anything & everything ....& I am so blessed! God has definitely had a hold on my life because there is no way I could have this on my own. He is worthy of all the praise...

He provides. He loves. He redeems.