
Monday, December 10, 2012

+Love the Mess+

What is it about Jesus & coffee that go so well together?
As I sit here with my "cup of gold," my Kindle and my lovely bible, Christmas carols playing on the tv, it's almost a perfect morning. The only thing it needs is a finished clean house : )

As my spirit was feeling the Jesus moment this morning, and feeling uplifted, I walked into the office for a pen and my test began. You can't see carpet. "Popcorn words," markers, crayons, coloring books, cut up papers, drawings ...everywhere! It is probably a good thing she is at school because I might have lost my cool with her, but I have to remember, I'm going to miss the mess.

We have never had a problem with Bella giving us hugs & kisses and telling us she loves us. She is very gifted in this category & we are very thankful for such a sweet personality, but it's not going to last forever. She is growing up & when it comes to slamming doors or rolling eyes, I'm going to miss that creative mess taking over the office floor.

I would never wish for her to stay young forever, that's selfish. I want her to learn, to know Jesus & love him, to experience new things together. She is such an artist now, will she be when she gets older? I want to know how she will perceive an art museum. Bella is beginning to ask questions & it's both exciting & scary. Her heart & soul is beginning to be in the balance of eternity. Of course I want her to accept Jesus...

This mornings reading was from Proverbs (28:12,13) & I believe walking into the office was my opportunity to let righteous triumph or let the wicked rise to power. At first reaction it may have seemed wicked, but I think I recovered : ). We have been attending Browns Bridge Church & we have been loving it. It's a total overwhelming feeling when your child is excited for church & is inquisitive about the next time we are going. Thank you to the volunteers that make my daughter feel welcome, loved, & have a great time. My heart has not felt this calm & full in a long time.

During the season, I find myself sitting & staring at the Christmas tree reflecting on anything & everything ....& I am so blessed! God has definitely had a hold on my life because there is no way I could have this on my own. He is worthy of all the praise...

He provides. He loves. He redeems. 

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