
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It's funny. Chris and I have been watching movies together for over 10 years now and it's amazing how many movies we've seen and how many I haven't seen that are apparently monumental.

Evidently, guys love to just walk around Best Buy. Not necessarily buy, just skim. I kind of view it as our version of "Window shopping." Chris likes to make his way around the entire store and you know the tv section is going to be inspected, but his favorite aisle is, you guessed it, the movie aisle.

If it is a blu-ray movie that he even remotely likes, if it's on sale, it's coming home. What can I say? He's an easy date. Our most recent movie purchase was The Shawshank Redemption, and I can honestly say that I had never seen it.

Oh, I'm sorry. Let me give you time to wipe your screen off from your drink spewing on the computer. Yes, it's true. I've never seen it and never made an effort to see it. Chris was just flabbergasted that I never had. So, he knew the perfect way to start off the month of February....

*The Shawshank Redemption 4.5/5
Chris would definitely give this movie a 100 out of 5, no doubt about that. I did like the movie. The acting was phenomenal, the twists and actions were devious and satisfying, and the characters even though criminals were people you are rooting for and grow attached to. But I felt like if they added one particular 5 second scene at the end, it definitely would have gotten a 5 out of me. I won't share what I think it should be for the people that have not seen it and wish to. I appreciate the cinematography and the little details that make it feel like imprisonment, such as a lot more cool than warm colors. I finished my first ever King novel a few weeks ago (which was amazing!!!) and through that and the movie, I definitely now want to read Shawshank.

*La Crin Blanc 2.5/5
This was a movie I had to watch for my French class at school and I just decided to make it one of my choices. Foreign films in my mind are better enjoyed when watched by multiple people. It was a very short film, it was like watching a hour long tv episode on Netflix. It was filmed in 1953 and is in black and white in French. I love the french language... The movie was ok. There is not a lot of dialoge at all, so if that is something you think is essential, I don't know if this movie is quite for you. A boy sees a wild white horse and has the desire to catch and make the horse his. It is neat to see the cultural and time differences and the scenery was not something I had expected to see in a part of France. The movie is a great choice if you would have to broader your cultural movie experiences.

*Prometheus 2/5
Now, we have mixed reviews on this movie. By that I mean, Chris liked it and I did not. This movie was/is/rumored to be the prequel to the movie Alien (now that is a great movie) and maybe I would have felt differently about the movie had I not already seen Alien.
The opening scene was set up with no explanation and I did not understand it until after the movie, once Chris explained it to me. The story is rushed way too fast and we are not given enough information that is necessary to the plot. Being a biologist-in-training I was kind of bummed the only biologist meets his demise (not giving away anything. you know people are going to die). The actions of a certain character are very unclear and even in the end show no reasoning behind why he does/did what he does. Almost every character was cold and distant towards one another I find that to be bothersome. There wasn't much of anything that I really liked about this movie

*No theatre movie
*With us both in school, homework took precedence over the finally movie week.

So, seen any good movies lately? any good books


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