
Thursday, August 23, 2012

"If it Scares You..."

"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try."
-Seth Godin

If you would have asked me 6 months ago if I would ever go back to school, I more than likely would have laughed in your face. "I am not cut out for school," would be my answer to that question. I gave it a shot after high school & after Chris & I got married so saw no reason to continue. I had changed my major a total of 3 times in the course of 3 semesters. I had no clue what I wanted to do, well, that's only half true. As I said in a previous post (you can read it here) I had a dream but never thought I could do it, so I never even tried. Pathetic, right? Now, that's not true! I'm being hard on myself & every other person that has gone through the same thing. Scared & couldn't do it are two totally different things. I was able, physically & intellectually, I just didn't want to believe it because I was scared. The thought of success in areas that we really want to take off can sometimes scare us away because we are afraid of what might happen. 
Math is SO not my strong suit. When I was in third grade my teacher embarrassed me & made me feel so stupid in front of the entire class when I could not do a word problem. She would not move on until I answered the question correctly. As I sat there in a pin silent room, red faced holding back tears, I could have (& wanted to) crawl into a hole & die. I can't remember if I eventually got it or if I had a peer help me out, but when I said the answer out loud, she huffed, threw up her hands & yelled, "finally!" That was the moment that I started to hate (& became terrible at) Math. 

Well, on that note, I am proud to say that tomorrow will be my second week of school in the obtainment of my B.S. in Biology (woo woo!). I'm kind of hoping that before long it will be my second week in obtaining my Masters in Marine Biology. It's been a good run so far, even in my first of many Math classes. However, Music Appreciation is not exactly something I am loving. Go figure. You would think with a musical husband I'd be all into it. Nope. 

...Maybe one day I could end up on Shark Week at Dyer Island. How cool awesome would that be?!

Without coffee, the past 2 weeks would have been so much harder

I saw this the other day & there are no words... It really hit me


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