
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Medicine

If someone were to ask me the most important rule in marriage my answer would be laughter. Yes, love is a very important thing, and you can't have a healthy marriage without it, but a marriage without laughter is the same as no love my opinion.

Laughter has so many different benefits. It is known to lower blood pressure, increase memory, and even give you a workout; not to mention how close it can bring people together. I encourage you to have a good laugh at least once a day. If you need help in this department may I please recommend Regular Show. It is a cartoon, but who says cartoons are just for kids?! I love this show and I have recently gotten Chris hooked on to it as well, we love it!

I'm always looking for something to make me laugh because, well, who doesn't like to laugh?

 This only seems appropriate with finals being next week, because this is truth...

 The expression the cat is making gets me every time. The longer I stare at it the funnier it gets

 Sharks are so misunderstood and that makes me sad. 
You know this is what is really going on 

 I have always wanted to get our cat a harness to test this "theory" out.
....Stayed tuned and I might ;) 

I hope these at least gave you a chuckle...


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