
Friday, April 26, 2013

Nuggets of Wisdom

Kids say the darndest things. If you have any, you know what I'm talking about.

I have always been drawn to the sea or anything sea related, hence my career choice. So naturally when Finding Nemo came out, I was determined to see it. Chris and I had just graduated high school (and gotten engaged) and I was getting ready to visit my grandmother in Florida for a week with my sister and two cousins (good times, good times...), and we wanted to make sure we spent time together before I left. So, Chris being the awesome person that he is, knowing I desperately wanted to see it, took me to go see Finding Nemo while expecting it to be childish and boring. When he walked out of that theater not just one but both of us were in smiles. I turned to him, "See, that wasn't bad now was it?" To this day it is still one of my favorite movies...

I can't tell you the joy I felt when Bella took a shine to Finding Nemo like I did. Well, that might now be true; she took to it a little more than I did. When she was a toddler she watched that movie every. single. night. You think I'm joking...
She still watches it to this day and I love it because I am able to teach her about the ocean along the way.

We were on our way home from a PTO meeting last night when this conversation came from the backseat:

Bella: I love Finding Nemo but the swordfish freaks me out
Ashley (Me): How are you scared of the swordfish, he doesn't even do anything?
Chris: I think she's talking about the fish in the beginning.
(to Bella) Are you talking about the one in the beginning?
Bella: Yeah.
Ashley: That's a barracuda. 
Bella: Well, he has sharp teeth and that's creepy. That "ca-coon-ga" freaks me out...

I lost it. There is nothing quite like a good life and it to be something from your child seems to make it even more special. I love her mispronunciations and I love that she shares my love of the ocean and things ocean related. I really need to keep (or start) a book of all the funny things she says. That will definitely be a little nugget of wisdom when she gets older and learns how to pronounce and accurate names. 

Although I know sequels usually ruin the nostalgia of the first movie, but I cannot wait for Finding Dory. We will definitely be making a trip to the theater for that one. 

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