
Friday, April 19, 2013

Random Friday

Here are 20 random things about myself because, well might want to know.

1. I count things ... continuously.
2. A blank journal must always occupy my nightstand.
3. When I was younger, I went through a stage where I flipped around the house instead of walking (yes, that is true ...ask my parents).
4. More than likely, I'm twirling my hair right now...
5. I have multiple tubes of chap stick in many purses, in my car, in my nightstand, in the bathroom, and in my camera bag
6. I stayed up until 5 am reading New Moon (just FYI, I despise the Twilight series)
7. If something I own gets scratched or a defect I have to buy another one
8. In elementary school, I loved candy canes but hated peppermints ;)
9. I did not see The Shawshank Redemption until 2013
10. I can touch my nose with my tongue
11. I can breathe underwater (aka I have my SCUBA license)
12. I love Sharks. I think they are fascinating and seriously misunderstood
13. I hate Chick Flicks
14. I probably would have stalked Sherlock Holmes ...I love him!
15. I have never seen the original Star Wars
16. I am 4'11
17. I could never eat too much Nutella or too many Rolos
18. I own more than 25 bottles of nail polish (...and counting)
19. I am on Kindle #4
20. Camping on the beach is the perfect vacation to me (yes, in a tent)

The past week has been crazy! We are finally at what you would call "Finals Week," and let me tell you's hectic. Last week I was so stressed out and freaking out about not getting everything done in the time frame it needs to be done that I sent myself into a panic attack. Ugh...
If you couldn't tell already, I do not handle stress well and have a hard time managing it without freaking out on myself. So, when I have to let go of reality and just veg out I go to one place, Pinterest. Oh Pinterest, how I love you. I could honestly spend my entire day pinning away DIY projects, dinner ideas, new decor ideas, the next item to buy for my closet, and so on. Today I came across something that I should tape to my bathroom mirror, or my forehead, which ever would get the message across better.

We all need a mantra to keep ourselves grounded during difficult times, something that speaks to you. A motivating line, a chant, a particular scripture, whatever helps you. I encourage you to put that mantra up in your home somewhere where you will come in contact with it daily, and if you don't have one, go find one. Pinterest is a great place to start or Scripture. It will always have a place in your life and a guidance that you will find no where else.


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