
Monday, April 22, 2013

Hug a Tree

Earth Day always brings back memories of elementary school. I loved Earth Day! It was the one day we were exempt from school work and spent the entire day outside to take in "Mother Nature;" one year I even got to sing in the trio was a rap, what?! Yup, that's how I roll... My favorite park was always the artificial rainforest. Every year one student's dad would set up a tarp with plants galore and a sprinkler system all inside to simulate a rainforest was awesome. It's the small things like that that make childhood so great.

Anyway, a couple of months ago I became aware of the documentary Trashed, and even though I have yet to see it myself, I urge you to take the time to. It is a problem that we most definitely need to care of, and we can't make motion unless everyone does their part.

Before Chris and I moved from our home a few years ago we were avid about recycling, but we got off track when we moved into the apartment. So, our decision for Earth Day is to start back in our recycling and making sure all of our plastics get reused and stay out of landfills and most definitely our oceans.

With my heart (and my career) being with the ocean and the animals who call it their home, this hits home for me and I most definitely want to do my part. It is hard to talk about ocean conservation and not hear the world Sylvia Earle. I admire her for all that she has done in her field and only hope to make a change in my field as she has. If you find TED Talks interesting, I urge you to take the next 15 minutes and watch Sylvia talk about how we can protect our oceans. So what are you doing for your part this Earth day?

Happy Earth Day!!

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